What I Can Do For You
My HR Guy
For Your Business
Change Management
Change can have a significant impact on your talent. If done incorrectly you can reduce engagement, increase turnover, and create a work environment that is generally undesirable.
If your business is planning on significant growth, reduction, or restructuring My HR Guy can help you put a talent strategy in place. ​
Employee Relations &Workplace Investigations
People are complex, and when you put them in one place for 8 hours or more in a day, you are bound to have issues. Mismanagement of these issues can lead to culture issues, and even lawsuits.
Whether you are dealing with a performance challenge, or a harassment claim, My HR Guy can be your trusted partner. My goal will always be to thoroughly understand the issue, explore the best options, execute, and follow up to ensure the chosen solution has resolved the problem.
New Manager Training
An effective manager is the key to a successful business. They translate the company message and direction into actionable activities for the staff. Without them, your employees would be lost.
Unfortunately, we sometimes take a high performing individual and slot them into a manager role with no training or preparation. My HR Guy will make sure you new manager has the tools for success.
I can provide guidance on things like proper interviewing techniques and avoiding illegal questions during interviews, to staff development and providing performance feedback. I can deliver training sessions or one on one coaching.
My HR Guy
For YOU!
Conflict Management/Resolution​
Work is hard enough in a world where there aren't enough hours in a day to complete everything that needs to be done. It becomes harder when having to deal with difficult people, or situations that distract you from being the best you. We can discuss the issues, and together identify ways to overcome the conflict.
Job Hunt & Interview Preparedness
(Career Preparation)​
Whether you've looked for a job last year, or thirty years ago, it's always good to be prepared. I can prepare you for the job hunt, review your resume, work on your interview skills, and prepare you to negotiate your offer.
Coaching & Leadership Development
If you are trying to develop a new skill, increase your performance output, or are preparing to take on a new leadership role, I can be your trusted partner. We will create a comprehensive plan with scheduled check-ins to ensure progress toward the goal.
If you have not identified an area for improvement, I can work with you to identify an area that would have the greatest impact on your career.
"My HR Guy" has been instrumental in helping me to redefine my resume for a modern, tech savvy audience.... he helped me to refine the information of my resume to better highlight details that would make it more palatable to prospective employers. He also assisted me in developing a social media presence to better display my work history, experience, and industry desigations.
-Rafael (Product Innovation Manager)
"My HR Guy" has a knack for problem solving, and assessing an individual's IQ and EQ .... These characteristics in addition to his leadership ability will make him an asset...
- Karon (Global Business Strategist)
It is my pleasure to recommend "My HR Guy." I have worked closely with him for more than five years as he assists me in my career goals nd advancement. He is bright, creative, and dependable.
-Randy (Regulatory Compliance)